Situated in the Peruvian Andes, Cuzco developed, under the Inca ruler Pachacutec, into a complex urban centre with distinct religious and administrative functions. It was surrounded by clearly delineated areas for agricultural, artisan and industrial production. When the Spaniards conquered it in the 16th century, they preserved the basic structure but built Baroque churches and palaces over the ruins of the Inca city.
From our members:
ms1664 visited from 10/24/2018 to 10/28/2018.
ssullivan visited from 5/26/2018 to 5/27/2018.
outlawcatcher visited from 12/1/2017 to 12/2/2017.
ryanbooth visited from 6/18/2017 to 6/20/2017.
joneshuijs visited from 5/3/2017 to 5/5/2017.
empoweredh22 visited from 6/1/2016 to 6/1/2016.
mparizeau visited from 4/23/2016 to 4/23/2016.
YULtide visited from 8/24/2015 to 8/31/2015.
bretta visited from 11/26/2014 to 11/28/2014.
YVR cockroach visited from 11/8/2014 to 11/11/2014.
lianne_gib visited from 8/5/2012 to 8/8/2012.
SLOCouple visited from 4/6/2012 to .
Kimmyp714 visited from 7/10/2011 to 7/22/2011.
smittytabb visited from 5/21/2010 to 5/23/2010.
wvhemail visited from 4/4/2010 to 4/4/2010.
Otter visited from 4/4/2010 to 4/4/2010.
keita visited from 5/14/2006 to 5/15/2006.
stut visited from 1/1/2005 to 1/1/2005.
billyliu visited from 4/15/2004 to 4/17/2004.
syhan_98 visited from 3/11/2004 to 3/14/2004.
Kriskukul visited from 11/20/2002 to 11/20/2002.
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